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coarse wool中文是什么意思

用"coarse wool"造句"coarse wool"怎么读"coarse wool" in a sentence


  • 粗毛
  • 细度较粗如直径在


  • Any of a breed of large , white - faced sheep having long coarse wool , developed in leicestershire , a county of central england
  • This week the team visited woolen mills in baoding hebei making carpet yarn out of coarser wool types and in southern jiangsu most aspects of apparel manufacture
  • Or on coarse wool cloth , and sometimes on silk for precious ones . the base of the painting is prepared using a paste of animal glue and fine lime . after the paste dries , carbon and paints using natural mineral and plant colors , such as yellow , mineral green , azurite and cinnabar , are applied
用"coarse wool"造句  
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